
How is your digital workplace doing?

Tobania.Workplace delivers full ICT workplace management services for your company, both in out and co-sourcing models.

Eager to know more?

Then definitely get in touch with Tobian Sven. He will be happy to schedule a first (virtual) meeting to discuss all your possibilities.
Let's get started!

Sven De Troch

Head of Operations

+32 497 05 37 84

Eager to know more?

Then definitely get in touch with Tobian Sven. He will be happy to schedule a first (virtual) meeting to discuss all your possibilities.
Let's get started!

Sven De Troch

Head of Operations

+32 497 05 37 84
  • By changing the way you work as the implementation of new technology gives you all the freedom you desire.
  • By increasing your efficiency as Tobania.Workplace relieves you from asset, service and technology management.
  • By relying on the power of innovation as we detect any potential or upcoming problems in upfront and propose solutions which will allow an employee satisfaction increase and will facilitate your business growth.
How can we make the difference for your organization?
  • Innovation tracks: we give you in-depth guidance and advice regarding the latest technologies and solutions.
  • Migration & transition projects: we help you evolve to a modern workplace with a focus on people, processes, and tools.
    Employee satisfaction surveys: we measure your employee satisfaction based on predefined Experience Level Agreement (XLA’s).
  • Reporting & Quality Assurance: with our dedicated service delivery management we take care of managing our customer projects & reporting on the associated goals.

“We are impressed by the quality of the language and technical skills of the Tobania employees.” 

AXA Director

Workspace Whitepaper

Rocket your productivity.

Digitise your entire service point activity.

Download the whitepaper where you will learn everything about:

Employee Journey Mapping;
Digital queueing systems at IT Service Points;
Employees’ and support agents' experiences with a digital queueing system.

Download the whitepaper

Dive into our solutions

Teaser Workplace Support

Workplace Support

Support all your end users on all their end-point devices, both remotely and on-premises.

Teaser Managed Workplace

Managed Workplace

We take care of your workplace infrastructure and applications.

Happy clients for this solution

Let's set a date!

Sven De Troch

Sven De Troch

Head of Operations

+32 497 05 37 84