Progressive analytics are the new black
The regulations are becoming increasingly stringent. Just like your consumers, who expect user-friendly experiences that can compete with those of Amazon, Coolblue, Bol.com, and other online power players.
How do you face these challenges? Are you looking for solutions that use advanced analytics to accelerate your digital transformation? If so, we are happy to help you get started.
Eager to know more?
Then definitely get in touch with Tobian Peter. He will be happy to schedule a first (virtual) meeting to discuss all your possibilities.
Let's get started!
Eager to know more?
Then definitely get in touch with Tobian Peter. He will be happy to schedule a first (virtual) meeting to discuss all your possibilities.
Let's get started!
Data as a profit driver
As a service company, you'll be guided by advanced data analytics to improve performance across your organization. Dashboards, data hubs, and other tools allow your decision makers to analyze current performance levels and identify strategic improvements. With these analytics you can also optimize the allocation of capex and opex resources in order to maximize your profit.
A customized cloud environment
Do you use cloud services to boost your online customer relationships? Perhaps you used to have your doubts about the security of the cloud, but now you are convinced that it is more secure than "on-premise" infrastructures.
Thanks to the cloud, you can also offer your customers data-driven answers to questions such as: "How much am I saving with solar panels?" or "At what point in the day am I spending the most on utilities?"
What about a Rapid Application Delivery (RAD) as an accelerator?
Fluctuating market conditions force you to regularly adjust and change your software landscape. Thanks to the rapid app development and automation software of RAD, you will always be ahead of the game. So choose development models that are efficient and flexible from the design stage onwards.
Predictions determine everything
Would you like your resources to reach their full lifespan? This can be done with predictive analytics.
For example, if your transformer has a lifespan of 25 years, you can use analytics to guide maintenance decisions, and, thanks to these decisions, your transformer will easily reach a lifespan of 25 years or more. Advanced analytics also make it possible to create a "digital twin" for each asset. This allows you to predict how climate changes, population patterns, usage patterns, and other factors will affect performance.
RPA: leave routine to automation
Robotic process automation (RPA) is hardly new, but recent developments have nevertheless made the technology more accessible and cost-effective. As a utility company, do you also see opportunities to leave standardised processes to smart robots? This will give your employees more time to focus on tasks that require critical thinking.
- Do you need examples?
- Validation of meter readings: with RPA, you can assess meter readings and identify irregularities.
- Customer account management: with RPA, you can identify errors that cause delays in creating and closing customer accounts.
- Procurement of contracts: with RPA, you can streamline manual processes and eliminate inefficiencies in order to reduce costs and speed up the overall procurement process.
- Now that the turbulent 2020 is behind you, you can fully create your own future. Ready to innovate in a safe and flexible way?
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