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Revenue Growth & Competivity

Keeping up with the times and keeping up with the market

Globalisation, liberalisation, and rapid technological developments are constantly changing our business environment – and the way we do business. What’s at the root of this? The revolution of information and communication technologies. They strongly drive competitiveness.

Do you need help to grasp all your challenges with both hands?

We put you in the starting blocks!

Digital roadmap as a starting point

Digital transformation is not an option; it is a must for any organisation that wants to stay relevant. But what exactly does <digital transformation> mean? Although its importance is stressed in many keynote sessions and panel discussions, you may still be unsure about the underlying meaning of this buzzword. Is it simply just a catchy way of saying you should move to the cloud? What steps should you take? Should you also create new jobs? Or change your business strategy? And are these actions really worth it?

In order to be able to answer all these questions in detail, it is best to make a digital roadmap. Our architects and transformation managers will guide you along the way.


Customer interaction is <key>
Buyers are increasingly going online – and you can capitalise on that. Think about using behavioural targeting, banner retargeting, and click-stream analysis in order to find out the interests of your site visitors. Do you have a taste for it? Then you can use marketing automation tools. These software winners make it possible to segment your online story and content on different online channels, such as your website and blog pages for example. How that's done? Easy, by automating the recurring tasks. 
In short: thanks to marketing automation tools, you are able to offer prospects the right content at the right time and via the right channel.
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E-commerce: always a good move

Do you use e-commerce? Then you can measure your performance on a daily basis. After all, you can get the feedback from online transactions almost immediately. Would you like to give your e-commerce an extra boost? Use digital marketing and your prospects and customers will be able to find your e-commerce activities even faster and easier. The protagonists of this story? UI and UX. Also don’t forget your customer support colleagues to deal with any questions.

Technology and data go hand in hand

Data-driven decision-making is a key ingredient of commercial excellence. In order for you to be able to accelerate your growth, your entire organisation must have access to the latest analytics. A dashboard does not have to be very extensive from the start, because if you develop it in an agile manner, you can add new functions based on the roadmap and feedback obtained.

After the initial launch of technology upgrades and changes, you also need to continuously adapt your infrastructure. You do so by collecting tests and feedback in order to improve the tools, data, and enabling technology. As transformation spreads throughout your business, the adoption of the technology infrastructure will increase.


Data-driven marketing is your wealth

Customer information is worth its weight in gold! Do you already combine your CRM system with data obtained from your social media? With tools for data analytics, business intelligence, and predictive analytics, you can determine what your most lucrative target groups are and when you should take what action. For these analyses, you need data from databases, data warehouses, and data lakes.

Engage in online dialogue with a 24/7 support office

Your customers expect a 24/7 service. If not, they will navigate to the competitor with a single click. They will also immediately share bad experiences via all kinds of social media channels. So be sure to implement an online front office when you are considering digitalising your services. You can then easily link it to your back-office team in order to process the orders and execute the necessary transactions. 

How can Tobania help?

Teaser Human Centered Transformation

Human Centered Transformation

Each journey requires planning, organisation and steering.

Teaser Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development

100% made to measure.

Teaser Cloud Infrastructure Development

Cloud Architecture Development

Driving IT agility and new opportunities.

Teaser Performance Testing

Performance Testing

Slow & crashing applications are not accepted.

Teaser Helpdesk & Customer support

Helpdesk and Customer Support

At your service: customer satisfaction.

Teaser Commercial Support

Commercial Support

Increase your sales!

Teaser Data Strategy

Data Strategy

We help organizations with unlocking the true value of their data.

Teaser Web Development

Web Development

How is your web development going?

Teaser Marketing as a Service

Marketing as a Service

Stand out with your online marketing strategy

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